This page contains a variety of material of interest to our members. Please select a topic or scroll down to find listing of recipes from club meetings, links to other garden club websites, a listing of garden-related events in our area and more! We now have posted members favorite resources organized by topic (Houston specialty stores, floral design, annuals, perennials, house plants, vegetables & herbs, and tools). See bottom of page. If you have more favorite garden-related web sites to add to our list, please contact Carolynne White, webdiva.
Our Membership Websites
Look here for Regional, State and National GC Conventions and Houston Federation's Calendar
Garden Education and Training Programs
Civic and Environmental Resources
Conservation List—District IV
Other Local Garden Club Websites
Houston Specific Plant Societies (Orchids, Ferns, Roses, etc)SGC Member Favorite links: Nurseries, Craft Stores, Printers
How-Tos and Tools
Other Links
Club Programs
Natives for Birds Blooms to Zoom Principles of Design
Download Stationary, SGC-expense-reimbursement-form, Sales Tax Exemption form, Auction form and Attendance form
Southampton Garden Club Contributions (see Members Page}
Our Membership Websites
The Southampton Garden Club is a member of National Council of State Garden Clubs, Texas Garden Clubs, and Houston Federation of Garden Clubs. We are in District IV of the Texas Garden Clubs. Addresses, etc.
National Garden Clubs (NGC) --this national site contains a myriad of information pertinent to the operation of garden clubs, including information on flower shows, guides to participating in national garden club awards, listing of special projects and more. 4401 Magnolia Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110, 1-314-776-7574,
Handbook for Flower Shows, 2017 Edition – Order through NGC Member Services by calling 800-550-6007 or contacting NGC Headquarters, 4401 Magnolia Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110. All Accredited Flower Show Judges are required to own a copy and judge according to its policies.
Texas Garden Clubs (TGC) -- this site contains information about state and regional events, guides to participating in state garden club awards and includes a good source about local garden club training and conventions.
District IV Texas Garden Club – District IV is the local link to our state organization, Texas Garden Club. District IV is in the Coastal Prairie section and is made up of the 23 counties of Austin, Brazoria, Calhoun, Chambers, Colorado, DeWitt, Fayette, Fort Bend, Galveston, Gonzales, Hardin, Harris, Jackson, Jefferson, Lavaca, Liberty, Matagorda, Montgomery, Orange, Victoria, Waller, Washington, and Wharton.
Houston Federation of Garden Clubs-- Federation meets monthly at the First Christian Church in Houston (second Fridays at 10:30 am, 10:00 social) and provides interesting speakers.
Civic and Environmental Resources
Endangered (24)
Ashy Dogweed (Thymophylla tephroleuca)
Black Lace Cactus (Echinocereus reichenbachii var. albertii)
Davis’ Green Pitaya (Echinocereus davisii)
Guadalupe Fescue, Festuca ligulata
Large-fruited Sand Verbena (Abronia macrocarpa)
Little Aguja Pondweed (Potamogeton clystocarpus)
Navasota Ladies’-tresses (Spiranthes parksii)
Nellie’s Cory Cactus (Escobaria minima)
Slender Rushpea (Hoffmannseggia tenella)
Sneed’s Pincushion Cactus (Escobaria sneedii var. sneedii)
South Texas Ambrosia (Ambrosia cheiranthifolia)
Star Cactus (Astrophytum asterias)
Terlingua Creek Cat’s-eye (Cryptantha crassipes)
Texas Ayenia (Ayenia limitaris)
Texas Golden Gladecress (Leavenworthia texana)
Texas Poppy-mallow (Callirhoe scabriuscula)
Texas Prairie Dawn (Hymenoxys texana)
Texas Snowbell (Styrax plantanifolius ssp. texanus)
Texas Trailing Phlox (Phlox nivalis ssp. texensis)
Texas Wild Rice (Zizania texana)
Walker’s Manioc (Manihot walkerae)
White Bladderpod (Physaria pallida)
Zapata Bladderpod (Physaria thamnophila)
Threatened (7)
Bunched Cory Cactus (Coryphantha)
Chisos Mountains Hedgehog Cactus (Echinocereus chisoensis var. chisoensis)
Earth Fruit (Geocarpon minimum)
Hinckley’s Oak (Quercus hinckleyii)
Lloyd’s Mariposa Cactus (Sclerocactus mariposensis)
Neches River Rose-mallow (Hibiscus dasycalyx)
Pecos Sunflower (Helianthus paradoxus)
Tobusch Fishhook Cactus (Sclerocactus brevihamatus ssp. tobuschii)
**Return to top of page**
Other Local Garden Club Websites
Education and Training Programs
Harris County Master Gardeners
(Check with Houston Federation Of Garden Clubs for the next set of classes)
Information on how to divide perennials, from Fine Gardening website
Information on flowers to reduce pests in vegetable garden from Greener Patches
House Plants
Vegetable and Herb
information on how to prune tomatoes, from Fine Gardening website
Houston Area Plant Societies
Floral Design
Mechanics of Floral Design by Mikey Sanders
Pressing Flowers: Use the press
SGC Member Favorites and More Resources Links
- Use to set up "folders for future reference". Organize website information by category. Create an "account" and organize creative ideas. Browse other accounts for such categories as "floral design", "herb gardens", floral photography, "breakfast recipes" and pin the ones you like into your folders.
- Houston Specialty Stores for Arts and Crafts
Arne's Party Warehouse, 2830 Hicks Street, Houston, TX 77007
Arbor Gate Nursery & Shop, 15635 FM 2920 Road, Tomball, TX 77377
Brookwood Gift & Garden Center, 1749 FM 1489 in Brookshire, TX 77423, 10222C Westheimer in Houston, TX 77042 & 318 Gentry Street in Spring, TX 77373
CraftTex, 7215 Ashcroft Drive Houston, TX 77081 (713) 771-6691 This is wholesale distributor but members of SHGC can shop there.
Southern Floral Company, 1313 W. 20th St., Houston, 77008; Debora Martin contact at 713-980-1538 or
Ten Thousand Villages, Rice Blvd, Houston 77005
Texas Art Suplies, 2001 Montrose, Houston, TX 713-526-5221
Also Fish stores, Hobby Lobby, Garden Ridge Pottery, Marshalls, Ross, TJ Maxx , Tuesday Morning
- Nurseries
Another Place and Time, 421 W 11th St, Houston, TX 77008 ( Neighborhood: The Heights)
Buchanan's Native Plants, 611 E 11th St, Houston, TX 77008 (Neighborhood: The Heights)
Cornelius Nursery, 2233 S Voss Rd, Houston, TX 77057 (Driveway is in between a hand car wash and a Texas Art Supply.)
Joshua's Native Plants & Garden Antiques, 502 W 18th St, Houston, TX 77008 ( Neighborhood: The Heights)Lucia’s Garden, 2216 Portsmouth, Houston, TX 77098, 713-523-6494
Southwest Fertilizer, 5828 Bissonnet St, Houston, TX 77081 ( Neighborhood: Gulfton)
Wabash Antiques & Feed Store, 4537 N. Shepherd Drive, Houston, TX ( Neighborhoods: The Heights, RiceMilitary)
- Printers
Copy Doctor, 3814 Bissonnet, Houston, TX 77005, Phone: 713-661-9100, E-Mail:
American Star Copiers, 1701 Durham Dr, Houston, TX 77007, (713) 802-0794
Last updated October 23, 2020